Thursday, February 25, 2016

School of the Seers, Today's Lesson.

Had a break at work, so I breezed a chapter in School of the Seers (nearly finished), the chapter about God revealing secrets to those who have His confidence. 

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
‭‭John‬ ‭16:13‬

The activation was, simply and briefly, to get settled down and ask God to show you something.

CC was home alone today, sick but nearly well enough to go to school, and, earlier, she had texted a pic of her lunch, prepped to eat outside on the backyard patio table in the sunlight of a pretty day. I caught an impression of that table in the backyard, but with a large fuzzyindistinct jet black cloud moving toward it from the south side of the yard.

Is that it, God? That's my message? 

I'm learning to act on sense and instinct and gut-feel when it comes to what the Spirit is trying to say. So I just texted her to check the doors. I was mostly worried about the front door or the garage door being unlocked or wide open, but the image was the backyard. 

The back gate on the side of the yard from where the dark cloud was emanating, was not only unlocked, but standing open. I'm sure that something was averted or someone was prevented from entering our back yard because of the spiritual image I was given.

The future isn't set. Christian prophecy isn't prophecy in the Greek tragic sense. God can give us a word, or premonition, or warning, that will set us into motion to avert or intervene. And we can intervene, if we act. But first we have to be willing to hear/see/know in faith. 

Hey! I got one right today.

1 comment:

Carl said...

It is nice to get a hit. :)
Thanks for sharing.