Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Squat Reps & Assistance & Assessment - 20160419

4 rounds, no timer
Hip Thruster x10-15 @ 2 strong bands
RDL x10 @ 133/163///
16 mins.

Oly Squat @ 185 x6/7/8/10/10
4x12+ Standing Calf DB singles @ 43
...no timer.
17 mins.

Honestly, who needs a squat warm up set when you're not anywhere near maximal limit, and you've done activation work? Treating this like press day from now on: Jump right in, if you can't hang, you shouldn't be here.

7 hours, 2130/0530 - just so languid this AM, fought getting up. 34 minutes total. PE: 7.

Here's assessment from the 17th. Surprised by these numbers - better than a year ago, when I was training much harder, eating much better, and not sitting in a truck for 6+ hours/day and getting less than 6 hours sleep/day. Still, I'll take these numbers over 6/15. I'd do a performance metric but I don't have a training block to comp - just catching as catch can. Can't blame my training and dedication ... it's God's grace and inner renewal walking me forward.

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