Sunday, August 02, 2015

HT Comp, the Goodbye.

HT Comp, it's not your fault. It's not you, it's me.

You're beautiful and there's so much to love about you. Your programming is sound. I just didn't have the work schedule this summer to give our relationship the attention you deserve. Up too early, too hot in the afternoons, too lazy late. You weren't feeling the love, and I understand. I just wasn't there for you.

We'd been dating since the end of May, and here it is in August and we're both just not feeling it. I wasn't afraid of the commitment, but I surely wasn't serious about us either. I know I should have focused more on spending some small amount of quality time with you at least every other day, but most weeks during June and July, we were only seeing each other twice weekly, and, even then, only for a short visit.

All those Back/Oly/Front squatting dates that I'd promised you never happened, and those that did, well, you know my heart wasn't really in them. I guess that shows with the 2" loss in hip size. Nothing else really changed for me during our time together. And that's a shame.

Sorry that you wasted so much time with me when there is surely someone, somewhere, who could have given you some real love and attention.

Maybe we can get together again - maybe, perhaps, after the new year? Maybe we can have new feelings for each other then. 

PS. If you see me grunting and gyrating all out-of-breath and body-to-body with that slutty Strength Block in the next couple of months, don't take it personally. I'm planning on using her for 12 weeks and then moving on. What can I say? I'm on the rebound.

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