Friday, November 04, 2022

Squatober 2022

Juggled off days, took a little longer to finish than 30 days because of some family stuff. Probably a good thing, as I recall feeling beat up doing 5/2s in years past. I think I'm better off doing 3/1,2/1 or something like that.

A few doubles of the same workout this year, the workout variety was stale late in the program. There was a see-saw day, a 21 to party day, and only one day of front squats.
Most notably, slow eccentrics and paused squats worked early magic.
I didn't feel strong last year (after losing a whole month to Covidpneumonia, I was still bouncing back in October) and was just glad to complete the program then. This year, after 9 months of walking lunges, hip thrusters and extensions, with some squatting all year, I felt stronger. The slow eccentrics and pauses really gave me confidence. My bracing felt solid this year too, like my core wasn't flimsy and working against me.
Still don't have the top end that I would like, I only got 320 on PR day (missed at 330). However, my 75%-85% reps all felt good and doable throughout. In years past, they didn't. They felt heavy then, this year not so much. I'll take it.

Nutrition for the month:
2800 cals/day was goal, 2757 was actual. 
Fat: 117g/day, Carb 185/day, Protein 234 which is a win. 

A good month.

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