Sunday, March 02, 2014

Micronutrients - We'll call them vitamins.

Just a simple listing here of what I've been taking regularly. Perhaps some notes to follow at a later date. This is alphbetical-ish, but in order of import, it's C, Fish oil, E, B's, Minerals, BCAA's as the day's session demands dictate.

Fish oil - 4g

A - 5000 iu
B - (as multi)
Thiamin - 100 mg + 30 mg
Riboflavin - 20 mg + 30 mg
Niacin - 25 mg + 100 mg
B6 - 2 mg + 30 mg
Folic Acid - 400 mcg + 400 mcg
B12 - 15 mcg + 100 mcg + 1000 mcg/or 5000 mcg (*1mg)
Biotin - 30 mcg + 25 mcg
Pantothenic Acid - 5.5 mcg + 30 mg
(alternately, Trader Joe's B multi runs 100mg/mcg across the board here, with 400 mcg for Folic)

C - 8g-20g crystals

D3 (cholecalciferol) - 2000iu + 400 iu (*10k iu safe upper limit - I should be taking more)
E - 800 iu + 100 iu (*ideal range is between 2-4 IU per gram of saturated fat - 400iu upper limit)

Calcium - 200mg + 1000 mg
Magnesium - 20 mg + 500 mg (Diglycinate or Gluconate, or, best, L-Threonate)
Zinc - 5 mg + 15 mg (*25-45mg)

Iron - 18 mg + 65 mg

My Multi contains other trace minerals, which I don't track, but I do want to include selenium, which I haven't sourced, but should be taking 200-700ug.

Creatine Monohydrate

BCAA's - 20g, in two 10g doses

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