Monday, March 03, 2014

531 2b Press - Mar 3

Today's calendar reminded me that today marks two years since my ouster from my former place of employment. I won't look down my nose at anyone who takes note on the anniversary of a breakup, or death or tragedy. When the date presents itself, and you're not trying to remember, the memory's not something you're controlling.
That first year was a resetting rollercoaster full of hope that God had something new and shiny for me, then disappointment when what was new wasn't shiny, then humility as I settled into a new grind with some simple joy found in simple exposure with walk-in folk all day. 
Who knows. Two years out and one thing is for certain: some few of my physicality habits have changed for the better. I'm stronger than I was, for sure. Mentally stronger, spiritually stronger? Again, who knows.

No buy in today. Feeling funky from allergies and from last night's late session.

531 Press
Rx: 3x3 @ 125/155/175
10x115/8x125/3x155/3x175 - a 4th would have required a push press
10 mins.

5 and 4 rounds, in .30 on 1.13
5x Chins x5's
4x Press @ 125 x7's (125=65%)
14 mins.

8.5 hours - 2200/0630. 25 minutes total, PE: 7. 18 hours. 223/14.
P262g/C73/F82 : 50/14/36%, 2098 total cal, 1823 net - win, but didn't eat enough.

Last week's average:
P235g/C129/F158 : 33/18/49%
Still a touch high on the carbs. That's where I've been this whole cycle. I'm seeing the results I want to see, however, and I'm not in a hurry or in a need to see everything move faster. Just observing.

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