Thursday, March 27, 2014

531 2c Clean - Mar 27

All the bars were taken up today, so juggled a bit. Started off feeling really cold and tight. Man, I'm anticipating deload week.

3 rounds, 45 sec RI
Hamstring curl x6-7  @125
Extensions x10 @180/195/210
5 mins. 

Standing Calf
4x10 @300
6 mins.

Rx: 531 @ 135/155/175
10 mins.
BBB, in .30 on 1.13
5's @ 165/155/145///
6 mins.

And I see today that my excel grid is hinky, which is why cleans day always felt so oppressively heavy. 70% isn't 165, it's only 130 based on the 531 90%, or 145 absolute.

8.5 hours - 2130/0600. 28 minutes total, PE: 7. 48 hours. 224/13.
P290g/C107/F146 : 40/15/45%, 2922 total cal, 2655 net 

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