Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bonus Day Bag Work - Mar 16

Amazed watching last night's UFC how few professional fighters are able to switch stance fluidly. Even when cut, they can't turn that eye away from the incoming shelling that opened it in the first place. I don't get it. How did they ever spend their gym time?

Vowed to take it easy today and did, just a lot of movement and it all felt great.

4 rounds, in .30 on 1.13
KB swings @ 70# x12
Pull ups x7-5
10 mins.

Loose punching drills, switching off with Kon
9 mins.

Tabata kicking and combos
11 mins.

7 + 1 hours - 2330/0630. 30 minutes total, PE: 8. 24 hours. 
P288g/C82/F173 : 38/11/51%, 3059 total cal, 2545 net - win

This week:
P298g/C120/F119 : 43/18/39% - getting enough protein, just a touch high on carbs, but I'm not going to stress about it since some of that is bounceback from steady state days. Slow progress on this front is good, and less important than continued progress on my lifts - and, I'm resting assured that I don't flame out from inadequate fuel.

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