Friday, November 08, 2013

PushPull + Chins - My Give a Damn's Been Busted - Nov 8

Feeling strong today. Feeling pissed off and ready for Chest day, just like the rest of the douchey bodybuilding world. Tired of people talking about body composition, what they're gonna do, what they did in High School, what they would like to do and be. Tired of all the talk without any walk. Tired of fat people working out once and quitting for a week because they're sore.
Tired of what I've been doing, when I'm not awesome enough to silence that kind of talk with my presence alone. Time to just fucking Be. If all I've been meant to be - if only one aspect of anything I've been meant to be - is a meathead in the iron game, then I need to stop messing around with it and go after it with a renewed seriousness. I do know that this has been one constant in my life over the years. I need to give it the top-shelf placement it deserves.

Buy in
4 rounds, on the minute
Bent over row, underhand 10-8 @ 135#
Bar dips 10-8
7 mins.

Main set
5 rounds, HT timer in .30 on 1.14
Bench @ 225# 10-6
Underbar horz chins 12-8 - still lots of pain in the right elbow, this grip mitigates it.
13 mins.

Cash out
3x10 DB overhead press @ 60/55/50
4 mins.

4x max reps chins, 1x kipping pulls 

Starting a count with the Loseit! app again - just to check macros, not calories, which I'll list for a month or so here.

8 hours - 2130/0630. 29 minutes total, PE: 8. 24 hours. P239g/C266/F211:24/27/48%, 3871 total cal - not what I anticipated on day 1 of resolve ... once again Carbs higher than Protein.

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