Thursday, November 14, 2013

Off/AR - Nov 14

Driving to the gym, thinking both that I'd do some small amount of cleans and some larger amount of front squats as well as that I should just take the day as an off day before I dig myself lower into a bigger hole of overreach. Then I pop the back hatch and see that I've neglected to re-insert my Converse into the workout apparel pile. Just the nudge I needed to pack it up and go to Carl's Jr for a pair of skinless spicy chicken breasts and do some noodling on the dream instead.

IF today, going to institute and enforce the maxi-protein off-day protocol today, as well as every 5th day for this 531 cycle.

5x max reps chins (5's), greasing the groove.

9 hours - 2130/0630. 10 minutes total, PE: 5. 24 hours. 235/16.
P207g/C63/F127 : 37/11/51%, 2152 total cal - win today, shooting to just maximize protein and minimize carbs while getting close to the daily budget of 2300 cal, without going over. Really should have at least 230g protein (today and everyday - esp on work days), just didn't eat enough meat today.

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