Friday, August 09, 2013

DE Push - Aug 9

Buy in
3x12 Y-Pulls
5 mins.

Bench Press
...widening grip each set.
10x225/250 (5# offset for the cheapo DoucheX bar) x8/7/6/6
8 mins.

HT PushPull Quad
4 rounds, in .30 on 1.15
Underbar underhand grip pulls x12
Bar dips x8-10 (got stronger as the rounds went on)
Pull ups x4 + 3 Neutral
Ballistic Push ups x5 + 3-4 wide
15 mins.

Not a lot of commentary on these set-ups. Starting the "531 Texas," where the 531 and BBB days are separated by DE work and sporadic conditioning/metcon days. What's to say? Not every session is a new foray worth describing. I'm sore, and wrung out, but still setting 5 RM PRs and feeling strong. The knee is just about completely recovered from Scottish Games. Now to just solider on.

8.5 hours - 2130/0600. 29 minutes total, PE: 7. 24 hours.

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