Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wl - Shut up and Dance - Jan 20

Another one of those days when I'm feeling like huh, maybe I should just blow today off and catch it tomorrow - since tomorrow's an AR day anyway, and I'm feeling flat. Then, enter the gym and it's on.

Buy in: 4x15-20 (or was it 5x?) hyperextensions with 10# ball/feet to bar. Snuck today's burpees in there.

5x10/4x12 curls/extensions.

5x11 Ov Squats @ 45#, 65#, 85#-85#-85#. Yeah, I might've could gone to the 105# and up, but I didn't want to push it, dump it, or sacrifice good form for the sake of ego. Good form though. The weight will come, if I continue to build it.

Calves: 1x12 @6 on the A-frame, 2x12 @6.75/seated calf x10 @2, then 1x12 @6 with the seated again.

8 hours /24 hours. 45 minutes of work; PE: 7. 220/17.
oGWICn: Day 20, 20 burpees.

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