Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nice Turban.

Oh no! One of the ways to stop terrorists is to profile the people that are bombing us.

Profiling: Those free scooter commercials are profiling old people. Cosmetic companies profile women. Beer commercials profile men. Saturday cartoons are paid for by advertisers that profile children. And if you don't think companies profile by race you are grossly mistaken.

The United States government already runs the biggest profiling operation known to exist. It affects millions of people and it's very specific on who gets punished and who gets rewarded. It is called Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action profiling is intentionally constructed to target based on race and sex. I find it ironic that the group that can't be profiled, those would be the folks that are trying to blow us up, would actually benefit under Affirmative Action. Yeah, chew on that one for a while.

Well my friends, in the words of the great John Wayne, "Life is tough, but it's tougher when you are stupid." Yup, I guess it is.

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