Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ca - Too Tased to Taper - Jan 28

Bought in with 2x max reps abmats.

Then (lookit how we work what's in the pantry into the pancake batter!) folding today's burpees into the WoD:

2 rounds:
14 burpees
16 ring dips
18 pull ups
20 press with 100#
400m (short block)

rd 1: 9.45, rd 2: 10.55. 20.40. The even numbers break down into halves pretty well; count up to the half set, count down to the end of the set. The burpees were just a Work addition to a double push/single pull Ca day with the 400s tacked on to buffer the lactic acid. Isn't that what winter Speed work's for?

7 hours/48 hours. PE: 7. 220/11.
oGWICn: Day 28, 28 burpees.

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