Friday, May 30, 2014

Dianess - May 30

A 100 meter sprinter does not simply run 100 meter time trials for his training program. There is a good reason why athletes train differently than they compete. There’s a difference between building work capacity and testing it. - Tom Seryak

Today we're testing it. Most days we're just trying to build it, but yeah, we should do unnamed WoDs that are composited with an eye to build work capacity and strength rather than gogo test it every day.

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4x max reps FtB 
Pec Stretches
5 mins.

Diane scaled with Push presses subbed for the HSPUs. 21-15-9 for time.
DL = BW = 225#
Press = 50% BW+ = 115#
8.31, the limiter at 135# previous to this effort was the presses. Half BW is a better number, especially with some fuzzy pain in my right shoulder just now. Final 9 Deadlifts went unbroken, for me, that felt like a win right there.

8.5 hours - 2130/0600. 17 minutes total. PE: 10. 48 hours. 222/15.
P229g/C70/F37 : 60/18/22%, 1552 total cal, 1271 net - light today, but we just might win this week.

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