Tuesday, April 01, 2014

531 2d Press, Swim, Measure and Assess - Apr 1

Came out of yesterday's squat day feeling really sore (today), hungry (both today and yesterday) and sleepy (today). Some of this is outside-the-gym stuff (Bad sleep from recent haunting stressors). Some of it is definitely because I'm overreached, and underfed. Added carbs yesterday, feeling like I want to do the same today. And, declaring this week a refeed week. See below.

Buy in
4 rounds of Y-pulls and FtB, no timer.
6 mins.

3x max reps @ 80/95/115
7 mins.

Keeping bar speed snappy, but there wasn't any grinding out of any final reps. All sets ended with the door slamming shut. Have I been insinuating that I feel overreached? Just making sure.

4 rounds in .30 on 1.13
Press @ 95 (50%) 10-7
Neutral grip pulls (strict 6's)
10 mins.

Cash out
3x10 Bar-only power snatch
5 mins.
These felt great. They're coming off the back burner, for sure. I need to buy in with these on cleans day, for instance.

Nice to walk out of the gym feeling a pump, instead of just feeling sweaty and run over. See if I'm sore from the increased rep count tomorrow, and this week's focus on bar speed. Deload's not necessarily easier, it's just different. Different's good, and different feels easier, but it's still sore-making work.

Boogie talked me into a lap swim. Started to work our way through an intermediate card, but the warm up destroyed us. Blew off a main set of 2x400 and just did stoke/freestyle up and backs.
26 mins.

Okay, 6-week assessment. Besides feeling flat, I've ticked up on my main lifts - with the exception: I missed my press this cycle, which should be a gimme lift. 
Compositionally speaking, I've taken a step back. Lost 5 pounds, and the BF% dipped into the 11's before coming back up to 13. So, lost 2.5 lbs fat and lost 2.5 lbs muscle.

Will having beers three nights in a row put an inch back on your waist? I did add back sometime this last month. When Sheridan said he lost three weeks of Muay Thai training by drinking three beers, that sounded like hyperbole. Now I'm feeling the truth of it.

Some other slight changes, the only other that's noteworthy is an inch lost on upper arm. No, I'm not going to start doing tricep push downs. I do think I'll focus on refeeding and bumping up the carbs every other week to keep from stalling.
I'm thinking that these numbers are a little suspect because of the week I had last week, but they're not the numbers I anticipated. I fully expected to see a 37 for waist instead of 39. Again, this is all secondary to improvement in my performance (note to self). At the same time, I would like to see continued movement here (recognizes that I'm still vain enough to care about being a fat old embarassment).

I think I'll be sure to schedule assessment during the same focal time of each cycle (deload week, say) so I'm not having how I feel influence how I plan the upcoming cycle, and to make sure that my body's in the same state of rubble/recovery as when I've previously written (I was halfway through a two-week A week last cycle). So, assess every 8 weeks.

7.5 hours - 2230/0600. 57 minutes total. PE: 6. 24 hours. 222/13.
P418g/C101/F182 : 38/18/44%, 3740 total cal, 3154 net

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