Thursday, April 03, 2014

531 2d Weighted Pull - Autopilot is Engaged - Apr 3

Death by pull up
11.11 rounds. Grip was the limiter today. I used to get a little out of breath doing these, but that wasn't it today at all. 5's and regrip.

 Two mins RI then

531 pull
Rx: max reps @ 10/12.5/15 - 3's... Yeah, probably not the best combination, doing these after a Death by pulls.
7 mins.

BBB, on the HT timer

5 rounds, DB recline press w/ 70/65/// - left arm didn't handle the 70 on the second set. I know, I'm skating on thin ice here.
4 rounds, neutral grip pulls x6-3
11 mins.

I'm not really taking it easy at all this week. I'm feeling like I'm on fumes, but can't disengage the autopilot to land the plane for a day off. Today, I told myself I'd just do the pulls with weight (which aren't that light for a deload week, for me) - but when I got the hands taped up, the hairy guy clothed in bearskins came out of his cave and wanted to lift. He better show the freak up when it's time to lift heavy next cycle, and not just during easy week acting like he's all that.

8.5 hours - 2200/0630. 30 minutes total, PE: 7. 24 hours. 222/13.
P265g/C93/F119 : 42/15/43%, 2525 total cal, 2156 net

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