Saturday, April 26, 2014

531 3a Chin, Ca/HT - Pump up the Volume - Apr 26

No, I didn't go there. But someone at DoucheXchange did.
This is kinda fun, just mixing it up. And, cognizant that, while I may be on the slippery slope to BB douchebaggery, self-awareness will provide the traction I need to save me from a long fall into the abyss.

Buy in
4x10-8 Bent over row @ 135/140///
7 mins.

Weighted chin
Rx: 3x5 @ 20/22.5/25
20# x4/22.5 x2/4x 10# (I know when to try to cut my losses)
7 mins.

BBB couplet, 5 rounds on the HT timer in .30 on 1.15
DB recline @ 65#s x11-7
Chins x5's
12 mins.

BBB triplet, same timer
4x Cable row @ 165 x10's
3x Assisted dip x11+ @40//60/
3x Assisted chin @ 40/60//
12 mins.

Cash out
3x hammer cable curl @ 70 x10
2x bent bar tricep push down 2 90 x15+
6 mins.

7.5 hours - 2230/0600. 44 minutes total. PE: 8. 48 hours.
P286g/C54/F147 : 43/8/49%, 2699 total cal, 2250 net - on a two day roll

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