Saturday, April 12, 2014

Same ol' Saturday Steady State n' Sprints, Mac Packing - Apr 13

MTB with the trailer to Brighthouse and out to pick up the AHO box. 34 mins there, 28 to the box, 26 home. Bike felt a lot stronger today, and sure enough, faster too. A warmer morning - absolutely perfect day - blowing off cleans yesterday probably helped.
17.5 mi, 12.4 ave. 84 mins moving time.

12 good reps on the hill with no one there. In .20 on 1.40. Up and down 10 secs faster than earlier this week. Didn't really get out of breath, form never really broke down. Could have done more, but it's deload week, and what's the point?
20 mins.

Mac n' Cheese fest at Cal State all afternoon. I had a 1900 calorie buffer after the longer session this morning according to the lose it app. Crushed it with 3 solid hours of eating and beer swilling. Didn't feel as carb-terrible afterward as I thought I might. Just hungry I guess.
Some notable beers, some came as a surprise: Speakeasy Prohibition, Shock Top Preztel, Hangar 24 Chocolate Porter, Sequoia Del Oro, Velvet Merlin (as opposed to the 805 that all the scrubs were fawning over). The only beer I poured out was the New Belgium Lips of Faith Pluot ... just too much going on and too Belgique. The only brewer I ignored was Goose Island - I already knew they blew.

8.5 hours - 2200/0630. 109 minutes total. PE: 9. 24 hours.
P221g/C520/F156 : 20/48/32%, 5415 total cal, 3508 net - omb, it's a carbsplosion.

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