Friday, October 21, 2011

Wl - L-ightly Done - Oct 21

Feeling a bit thin in the skin today. Schedule called for a Squat DE day and Cl circuit. This is the approximation.

First, the circuit 4x:
Simplicity calf 15/16/17/17 x15
Ext 175/190/205/205# x10
RDL 115/165/185/185 x10-8
17 mins.

Overhead Squat x10
Nice and deep and wide and all that stuff. I'm not going heavy today, just doing them correctly for the ages.
13 mins.

9 - 1 hours, 2330-0630 /24 hours. 31 mins total, PE: 8. 213/14.
30/19/51%, 100C-268P. 2463 cal.

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