Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WoD Ca - "Easy Street" - Aug 26

21-15-9 for time of
Sumo Hi Pulls - normally 95#
Incline Press - 50% BW
Squat Cleans - 95# or whatever
Dips - BW, but at this point, that's like moving the friggin' Titanic

Yeah, this WoD deserves a name. Today, it seemed like Easy Street. How hard can 3 rounds of 21-15-9 be, anyway? I found out, as I shook hands with Pukie today (didn't give him a hug, though) and got the "looks" from the PM crowd at BodyXchange. WoD called for rowing, but no C2, so I subbed sumo hi pulls - man, on second thought, I wish I could have rowed. Made a M/W/W/G workout into a W/W/W/G. Yes, I felt the difference. 105# Sumo pulls (instead of rowing 750-500-250M)/60# DB incline bench (didn't want to chance the bench getting taken, and hey, I like the incline mix, especially with doing dips)/same 105# bar for the squat cleans/and finally, dips.

32.43: 21 round took 11.06, 15 round took 12.31, 9 round took 9.05. I was sitting on the cleans after doing 5 reps, wondering if I could do the final 4, and talking to myself way too much. Just gassed, but could still do the reps if I got on the bar. It's mostly mental, still. I did the same thing on the final dips - 4 reps, sucked and talked to myself, then just got on the freaking handles and cranked the final 5.

2200 - 0600 - 212/14.

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