Friday, August 07, 2009

Crossfit Games.

The Games site is here.

You can see a real evolution in the games, and by extrapolation, in CF itself, by comparing the games' events over the last three years:

The 2007 (inaugural) Games took place on June 30 - July 1st, with three workouts:

Saturday morning: A hopper workout that was literally determined at random (it ended up being row, push jerks and pullups)

Saturday afternoon: A 3K off trail hill run

Sunday: The CrossFit Total

The 2008 Games took place on July 5-6th, with four workouts:

Saturday: (workouts performed in any order throughout the day)
5 Deadlift (275lbs men, 185lbs women) / 10 Burpees - 5 Rounds for time
Thrusters (95lbs men, 65lbs women) / Pull-ups - 21, 15, 9 reps for time
750m off trail steep hill run

30 Squat Clean and Jerks (155lbs men, 100lbs women) for time

The 2009 Games took place July 10-12th, with eight events:

Event 1: 7km Hill Run
Event 2: Deadlift one rep every 30 sec moving from 315lbs to 505lbs in 10lb increments (women went from 185lbs to 375lbs)
Event 3: 170m Hill Sprint with two 35lb sandbags (women used a single sandbag)
Event 4: Row 500m, pound a 4' stake into the ground, Row 500m (women used a 3' stake)
Event 5: Couplet, which was 3 Rounds for time of 30 Wallball / 30 75lb Squat Snatch (women used 14lb medicine ball and a 45lb barbell)

Event 6: Max load Barbell Snatch
Event 7: Triplet, which was max rounds in 8min of 4 Handstand Pushups / 8 32kg KB Swings / 12 GHD Situps (women used a 24kg KB)
Event 8: Chipper, which was 15 barbells cleans (155/100lbs), 30 toes to bar, 30 box jumps (24/20"), 15/10 muscle-ups, 30 push presses (40/25lbs), 30 double-unders, 15 thrusters (135/95lbs), 30 pull-ups, 30 burpees, 300' overhead walking lunges (45/25lb plate)

Complexity has increased. Randomization is out. The difficult-to-master but telling Oly lifts are in. Crazy, real world exercise is in.

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