Monday, August 24, 2009

Get Comfortable with Discomfort.

Get a little lazy, get too comfortable in all aspects of life.

In terms of movements, it is easy to cherry pick WODs. You come in and do the things you know you are good at. You skip the days that involve exercises you don’t like or, more likely, are not good at. You become a monster at Fran because you practice it everyday, but have no idea about your Grace because you never do heavy cleans, especially for reps. Maybe you have no idea what your 5k time is. Well, get over it. Be OK with being bad at something. Have faith in yourself that you can get better at it. Deal with frustration and finish.

As for intensity, discomfort is synonymous with pain. Pain is a very difficult feeling to get comfortable with. It takes work and effort. It means that your daily workout is going to make you nervous, give you butterflies in your stomach and make you want to quit half way through. Don't slow down, don't quit; you are only cheating yourself.

You will be a better athlete and a better person if you can face discomfort and adversity, stare it in the face, and overcome it. Embrace the Suck. Plumb the bottom of your confidence in your abilities, both physical and mental, to try new things, place yourself outside of your comfort zone, and start succeeding at everything in your life.

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