Friday, August 07, 2009

Religion of Peace.

Just heard about the big dope who got out of his car in the drive-thru at Del Taco to mouth off to the car full of wrestlers, throw a couple punches at them, and then get beaten into a coma when they came out of the car to give him a little of what he was asking for. It's a shame, but pride kills.

From Michael Yon's blog in Afghanistan, talking with Afghan National Army guys - you know, the moderate, good ones:

"I asked Colonel Wadood if the people of Afghanistan understand Democracy and he said yes, but not the people of Helmand, who “understand only Swordocracy,” and everyone laughed. And then spontaneously, Colonel Wadood said, “We have the best Democracy with Islam. Our religion is one of brotherhood and oneness. Our religion is about equality, no status.” He said these things, and more. Colonel Wadood continued, pausing long enough for me to write, “Women have the right to education, to have a job, to be a candidate in elections.” Colonel Wadood paused, and continued, “If we applied these things it is the perfect democracy and perfect religion. Killing people is forbidden. Drug trafficking is forbidden. Cruelty and brutality is forbidden. Attacks that Taliban execute are all against Islam and Sharia. The best Muslim never harms anyone with his eyes, his tongue or with his hands. He should only be useful not harmful. We cannot kill infidels without reason. But if they invade our honor, our religion, our land or our pride, we can kill them. Same condition applies to Muslim too. If he does these things we can kill him."

Defending oneself or one's land is a far cry from all the wiggle room provided by having an out to kill if your honor or pride is invaded. Not sure how to do that, but I sure find Christianity more tolerant than the do-not-invade-our-Islam-or-we-can-kill-you. Seeing a lot of Muslims doing the invading right now on the world stage, without provocation or any cause to kill.

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