Saturday, September 06, 2014

CFFB 100's and AHO - Sept 6

Cut the CFFB work a bit today, omitting finding a 2RM power snatch, but it was all well - doing 10 hundreds today on the minute was just enough, with the bike riding.

Riding easy out to Brighthouse, trailer's still shaky and I keep adjusting the wheels to see if they're misaligned. 12.9 mph ave, for 18+ miles.

10 mins of sprints, starting off at 50% and working up. 50 out, 50 back for the 100s. The turnarounds felt snappy, re-acceleration on the way back was crisp.

8.5 hours - 2200/0630. 100 minutes total. PE: 8. 24 hours.

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