Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Death by Thrusters - Dec 21

Supposed to be a Wl day, but my workout time was located at the intersection of Chronic Cough and Gym Is Still Setting Up New Equipment. Pair of dumbells and 10 mins was enough.

Death by DB Thrusters
@55's - 9.7 rounds.
Did 9 rounds unbroken, no problem. Round 10, I got 5, then hung the DBs at my waist and couldn't get them to go back up. It's unnatural how quickly the wheels fall off under this format.

9 - 1 hours, 2200-0700/72 hours. 10 mins total, PE: 9. 220/14.
25/47/28%, 238C-140P. 2283 cal.

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