Saturday, August 06, 2011

MTB - Round Mt - Aug 6

Took an AR day yesterday, two bouts with the ab rollouts and power wheel.

Got up early today and solo'ed Round Mt road. Took it pretty easy - 85% effort on the North side climb - and generally 80% throughout. They're tearing up the road in the Poso area, good day to ride the MTB through there. Felt sorry for the roadies.
56 mins to Ambermill up Chester, 27 to the climb, 24 up, 27 to the old (now defunct) water by Okihi, 43 home. Finished in just under 3 hours. 85 degrees today.

7.5 hours, 2230-0600 /36 hours. 177 mins total, PE: 8. 210/13.

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