Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Cleans, Cleans - Feb 3

Bought in with 3x20 hyperextensions with the 10# ball/2x17 burpees. The burpees are mean magic, what the heck, they just drain me.

5x8 cleans with 93#/4x12 calves. Yes, it was a junior bar, and yes, it was light, and yes again, my form blew. Maybe because it was light. But I wasn't feeling too great today, and the weight was less the worry than just blamming the reps ugly and fighting through this general malaise.

8 - 1 hours/72 hours. 26 minutes of work; PE: 7. 218/16.
oGWICn: Day 34, 34 burpees. I've not been loggin' but I've not been missin' either. Got all my days so far... some of these last days, however, the burpees have been all that I've gotten.

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