Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ca "F-250" - Lookit All the Pretty Colors - Feb 11

50 Pull Ups
50 Dips
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Ov Squats 45#
50 Burpees

BodyX downtown had a couple of guys on the only dipping station, so I juggled the order and nearly did the dips last. On a Cl day, I recommend the Rx'ed order for full … "attenuation."

Pull Ups - 5.37
Knees to Elbows - 5.41
Ov Squats 45# - 4.44
Dips - 6.56
Burpees - 7.15

Dips took a little longer as I was walking around the gym floor looking for an open dipping station.
Was really feeling the push up portion of the burpees having come right off the set of dips.
This is one of those WoDs that is as hard as you wanna make it. I felt like I was resting too much, but then again, during the burpees, I really was sprouting sweatdrops and seeing the world in technicolor. So.

8.5 - 1 hours/24 hours. PE: 7. 217/17.
oGWICn: Day 42, 50 burpees.

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