Friday, February 19, 2010

Ca - My Neighbor's Heavy Breathing - Feb 19

Rolled out of bed and right to it. Mrs. Brown was working in her backyard next door - we were both listening to, but not seeing each other. She sounded like she was rummaging around getting chores done, while I sounded like I was gasping from having relations with heavy metal sexbots.

5 rounds:
13 pull ups
12 ring dips
11 1.5 pood KB swings
10 burpees

I know, it's a lot of volume, but I've missed it all so much. Except the burpees. Shewt, I was tempted to add in feet to bar and squat cleans. But I'm saving those for Sunday.

8 + 1 hours/24 hours. 30 mins of work; PE: 8. 217/13.
oGWICn: Day 50, 50 burpees.

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