Wednesday, February 24, 2010

AR - Active, Rest Redefined - Feb 24

I intended to chalk up my burpees for the day and do some sets of feet to bar. Some stretching, and that's all. Really, an easy day.

Work called for me to jump onto I-5 and drive like a bat outta hell to SF, and to another dicked up hotel exercise room. No bar to hang on (no surprise) but hey! Here is a rack of dumbells. More Active, less Rest today.

5 rounds
11 burpees
11 DB squat cleans @ 30#/35/40/45/50
Rest one minute between rounds.

Maybe from all the sitting in the car and pushing forward on the gas pedal, but an unsettling pain in my right knee when going deep during the cleans (but not the burpees).

6.5 - 1 hours /24 hours. 22 minutes of work; PE: 7. 223/14.

oGWICn: Day 55, 55 burpees.

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