Thursday, February 25, 2010

Living in the Shadow of the Bay Bridge

Driving into the bay area, I'm listening to the radio and hearing about a guest lecturer at Berkeley - no surprise here - digging deep into his understanding of political history and philosophy and - get ready - bringing to light the evils of the - Obama? Nah. - Bush administration. Wow. Beating a dead horse, are you? Only in SF would anyone buy a ticket to listen. Can't you get this crappé for free on CNN?

Right now when everyone has to end every sentence with "in this economy," caused by liberals forcing banks to sell mortgages to people who proved that they would not repay them, this city of lemmings is going to assign blame on the last administration ... and swallow the We Need Socialist Health Care turd without sniffing it for the shit it is first.

I'm not defending Bush. He was my president when he put that bullhorn to his lips and went after the muslim bastards who attacked us on 9/11. He ceased to be my president when he started giving my money to lazy people who want something for nothing. But Obama? He was never my president. He never did a day of work in his life. He wants to give our hard work to those like him who want my something for their nothing. And there's not a something left to give. We don't have any money left to give. We're in debt, saavy?

Right now, the most generous polls have 56% of the people totally against Obama's communisty health care package. Those uncaring bastards! Don't they want people to get their something for nothing?

If the world was different, everyone could get their free appendectomy. Or Abortion, or whatever you progressive nits think they deserve for free. But the world isn't a dream-economy, and someone has to pay for these things. That someone is me, or my children, or God Have Mercy, my freaking great-grandchildren, because legislators have already spent 4 generations-worth of GNP.

Please stop. In my dream-economy, you people would stop spending taxpayer money on your stupid dirty needle programs. In my dream-economy, you'd balance the budget and only spend what the government took in last year. But I'm not asking you to do what you're hard-wired to do, and waste. I'm not asking you to stop spending my money on idealistic idiocy, because that's how you're wired.

I'm asking you to please stop acting like you're so compassionate and caring, as you force us all into another Great Depression. Your ivory tower care is going to make us all feel the sting of hunger, need, and the bite of reality. Snap the fuck out of it, will you?

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