Friday, April 05, 2013

EXP 11 CL/Deads ME - Apr 5

Still one session behind on the EXP schedule, but Sunday's an off day, so I'll be back on track for next week. I blurred through day 10 last night, and just need to log a heavy squat day over the weekend.
By the way, I also kinda hurt all over, and the knee pain has moved and housed itself in my right calf.

4 rounds x10-12, on the .30 in 1.15 timer:
leg curl @ 90/105///
extensions @ 195
(3 rounds)
Seated calf @ 70
A-frame @ 5
17 mins.

5x5 Rx @ 205/225/240/255/270
Actual: 205/225/245/255/275/ 10x 225
11 mins.

8 hours - 2200/0600. 28 minutes total, PE: 7. 24 hours.

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