Wednesday, October 15, 2014

CFFB - Another Swod Only - Oct 15

Today I was going to catch up on Saturday's conditioning, but I'm not. There's dust storms in Bako the last couple of days, and the air's bad. I'm backing down from doing anything rather than risk giving up 2 to 3 weeks with something respiratory.

Note: Put on 7 lbs over the last couple of weeks, thanks to Creatine, mostly (BF% at 13%, which is low for me in a strength cycle). Everyone I bump into is telling me how big I look. Maybe I should revisit my old weight-to-protein intake data and check it against creatine cycling to see if protein really is the agent, or if creatine was the magic bullet all along.

Buy in
1x FtB
4x 8-10 Bent over rows 
10 mins.

Find Standing Box Jump – 1 RM - No boxes.
Deadlift 5 RM

185 x5/235/255/275/285 x3
13 mins.

Conditioning (did not do)
Complete 6 rounds for time:
53 yard Farmer’s Walk
Sprint 1/2 Gasser
*Go as heavy as possible for Farmer’s Walk
*Start by walking 53 yards for farmers walk, set weight down and sprint 1/2 gasser. Repeat.
Post times and loads used to comments.


Cash out
2x FtB
3 mins.

7.5 hours - 2300/0630. 27 minutes total. PE: 7. 48 hours. 232/13.

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