Monday, June 13, 2011

Velocity - 13s on the 13 - June 13

Kinda a modification on the Dan John stuff with some Velocity ... I'm not certain about a 40 day cycle on this, or what final form it's going to take, but I wanted to start first and get all the answers by doing.
Using the Lose It! app has been a wake up call - not because I believe in calorie-counting, but because I would have believed my intake breakdown would have been like, 50% protein. It's really been 18-20%.

That's changing, and I'm just going to get serious about shocking my system a bit here. Adding in Omega 3s and will be trying to graze all day. Hesitate to use the term Velocity, since I'm not going all supplemental and liquid like Velocity, but will emulate it with real food. But maybe it will be better and sustainable for all that. Did this in Thailand, and it was really uncomfortable. Let the starving begin.

All 30 sec RI today.

5x13 A-frame @ 5, 30 sec RI planking

4x13 Ov Squats @ 95#

6x(max reps, 6's - couldn't manage 13's) neutral-grip pulls

6x6 bar dips, which really bothered my right shoulder

9 - 1 hours/36 hours. 32 minutes total, PE: 8. 218/20 (dehydrated, right).

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