Friday, June 24, 2011

Death by Death by - Velocity Day 12 - June 24

I stayed up too late - yes, 10:30 is now late - doing APNC and stoopid church stuff. Too late to get to bed when my body was saying it wanted bed earlier. Getting up to run wasn't happening. Part of training is the mental side, and in saying that, I'm pointing out that the obvious and easy is the mental telling the physical to suffer in that moment of oxygen deficit and lactic burn. The trying aspect of the mental training is the difficulty of saying No and meaning it in weak moments. Saying No to stuff you would normally say Why Not to. Like PM TV, or a slice of pizza, or thinking you'll get the workout done in the afternoon because you want to sleep in.

Death by push press @ 120# - 9.6 rounds
rest 5 mins
Death by KB swings @ 1.5 pood - 9.14 doubled rounds

I did the push press single rounds while Chacho did the KB doubles, and then switched. Kinda fun that way. Doubles on the KB is a good way to keep the rep count from going stratospheric. The push presses felt great ... until round 8, when the ability to push just evaporated.

8.5 hours/24 hours. 20 minutes total, PE: 7/9. 215/13.

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