Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Wl - Smokin' but not Broken - Mar 9

4x curls/extensions. heh, the antagonists are the warmup today.

Deads @ 225#
Ov Squat @ 95#
The WoD calls for 135#. I was in the cage at BodyX and had to dump once as it was. 115# would have been a stretch.
Pain Notes:
Man, my left knee had a ligament within screaming at me during the 21 and the 15.
During the 15 on deads, I was partitioning 5/5/5. The first five were overhand grip, the second were overhand right/underhand left (just feels natural that way), and finally, to be even, I switched to overhand left/underhand right for the final five. Going underhand, say, on chins, still taxes my right radius. Today, pulling like that on the deads, I felt like I re-broke it.
No second hand on the clock, but rough time was 15 minutes. I wasn't going for time, but that's baseline.

Cash out:
20 hyperextensions (focusing on hyperflexions now. Compression bad, flexion good).
18 burpees
16 knees to elbows

At the time, it didn't sound like heavy volume. Pretty well spent at the end of all this. Moving the burpees to the cash out is good when there's unlimited time, but it's not gonna work when time's an issue. The rest of the workout's gonna suffer then. But, hey, if burpees had a middle name, suffering would be it.

9 hours/24 hours. 59 minutes, PE: 9. 220/15.
oGWICn: Day 68, 68 burpees.

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