Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cl - Boi in the Spastic Bubble - Mar 11

I'm buying in with antagonists these days.
5x11 curl
interposed with
4x12 extension
One minute between sets.

Main set:
7 rounds
10 Ov Squat @ 95#
10 burpees
Tap the timer and take a minute blow before starting the next squats. Gawd, this sucked.
Round 2: 2.03
3: 2.55
4: 3.06
5: 3.24
6: 3.18
7: 3.08

Cash out:
4x10 calves on the A-frame/x10 seated calves

One of my last workouts at BodyX. I don't think I'm going to miss that place much. While this was a great workout, the whole time ppl were just eyeballing me. Me, red faced, dripping, gasping and cussing. Them, talking, texting and doing a whole lot of not much. Even Walker won't do this stuff - he was the last reason for staying there.

9 hours /28 hours. 46 minutes of work; PE: 9. 220/15.

oGWICn: Day 70, 70 burpees.

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