Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ca - Bullshit Exchange - Mar 23

Headed downtown for session, and no opportunity for workout at lunch. So, there at downtown Bullshit eXchange as loads of ppl stand between me and the gear I need to workout. Wouldn't be nearly so bad if they weren't just standing there talking with each other.

Buy in:
Death by Press (Push Press, but I didn't push) 9.8 rounds @ 115#

Never did the antagonists. Got right into what might have been the Buy in (if there weren't so many shmoes standing around), or the Cash out (if it didn't take so friggin' long), but became the Main set (because it kicked my ass well enough to earn the title):
burpees 21/21/20/20
hyperflexions 21 with 10#/same/20 with 25#/same
10 feet to bar, with an additional round

It's dumb, it's not from the schedule, but it's two things: it's what you can get at Globo; and it's what you have to settle for if you're trying to work 82 damn burpees into the day.

9.5 hours. 216/14. 40 minutes of work; PE: 7.

oGWICn: Day 82, 82 burpees.

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