Monday, March 29, 2010

Cl - Burpees, My Ass - Mar 29

I'm off schedule, just trying to maintain the jist of things with AR weeks right now during the worst of springtime allergy season. If I can hold steady and avoid a upper respiratory infection, I'm ahead in the game.

8 rounds:
11 burpees
(4x)11 squat cleans @ 95#/(4x - alternated with) 11 Ov Squats (same bar)

Rnd 1: 2.43
2: 4.09
3: 4.14
4: 4.21
5: 4.44
6: 4.36
7: 5.10
8: 4.37
9: 2.43

As you can see by the first and last rounds, I did a lot of resting, but just trying to keep moving while still doing the movements properly. About a full minute between the lifts and the burpees, and the burpees and the lifts. This would be a Wl day if rest was formalized. Good luck with antagonists and a cash out though.

Slinging the bar pretty well, till the final rounds. Nice pop off the thighs on the way up doing the cleans. Yeah, it's light, but I'm still just working on form.

Oh, and there was a time when 50 pull ups and 40 reps of ring dips would've had me feeling them the next day. As it was, I could have done an A day today.
That right ankle didn't bother me today, btw.

9.5 hours/72+ hours. 34 minutes of work, PE: 8+. 220/16.
oGWICn: Day 88, 88 burpees.

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