Monday, July 14, 2014

Filthy Fifty Preview - July 14

Missed at lunchtime, when I mighta woulda done some squatting. After work, I felt like a different sort of challenge. Testing the downtown BX to see if it has what it takes to host the Filthy 50 WoD. It kinda doesn't, with all the Monday night douches doing cable crossovers. But they only slowed me down a little lot. At least there's equipment enough to do the wod - if I bring my own wall ball.

Pull ups (non-jumping), Knees to elbows, and burpees were the time-consumers. KB swings with a 40# were pedestrian. Single-unders at the end, since I don't have my DU's yet.
Box jumps: 4.22
Pull ups: 9.24
Kb Swings: 3.36 
Lunges: 2.38
KtE: 8.12
Push Press: 4.56
Back extensions: 3.23
Wall ball (12# slam ball): 4.25
Burpees: 8.06
Jump rope: 1.36

8 bad hours - 1 hours - 2230/0645. 50 minutes total. PE: 9. 48 hours. 227/11.
P147g/C121/F56 : 37/31/32%, 1892 total cal, 1090 net

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