Tuesday, February 25, 2014

531 2a Front Squat and Spring Assessment - Feb 25

... a good little break over the weekend. Double sessions Friday, so I felt a bit sore walking around Dizland in Converse flats. Kept the carbs low, and, according to Loseit, slow walking all day burns a lot of calories - 973ish per day.

Sat: P294g/C95/F139 : 42/14/45%, 2779 total cal, 1806 net 
Sunday: P274g/C65/F74 : 54/13/33%, 2168 total cal, 1195 net  
I lost five pounds just walking around. 227 to 222/14%.

Monday, not so much. Got stuck at work during lunch, and no time for a session PM, ate like crappe: P129g/C236/F113 : 21/38/41%, 2820 total cal - 222/14.

Average for the week: A bit high on the carbos. 
P276g/C112/F109 : 44/18/39%

Assessed Saturday morning as well. Got out the measuring tape and found that I'd lost 3 lbs of BW, and inches; I've lost a bit all over, but lost 3.5" where I had the most to lose:
This is over 5 weeks, during winter conditions. Not a significant weight loss, and no loss of maximal strength on any of my lifts (moving forward with 531 by 5# all over, if you recall), so those smaller numbers all over are subcutaneous fat losses, not muscle, and the 3 inches off the belly are belly fat. Buh-bye now. 
I'm encouraged. I'm attributing this to IF, mostly, and only partially to tightening up my macros. I haven't been chalking up that many macro win days in the under 100g carb range to think that those numbers have been the factor. And I feel like I can keep IF up indefinitely. It's effortless.
Anyway, good progress, maybe too fast. Getting there isn't the goal for me. Sustainability and progress over the long haul are the goal(s), and I'm more interested in continuing to move the needle over time. 
I care how my maxes will have improved come December. 
How my PR's will move on metcons.
How many unbroken pull ups I can do.
Only late in the list do I consider how my jeans fit.

Buy in
Overhead squat - target is 105#
bar x10/65 x10/85 x10/105 xdunno, 8?
Right arm all very tight today, left was 
10 mins.

Front Squat
4 mins.

BBB - meant to clean 4x4 @145# between sets today, but shared the rack with a guy doing back squats.
175 x6/7/8/7
10 mins.

Cash out
4 rounds, on the HT timer
RDL x8 @ 155
Seated calf x12 @ 70
10 mins.

8.5 hours - 2200/0630. 36 minutes total, PE: 8. 72 hours. 227/13.
P245g/C80/F162 : 36/12/53%, 2741 total cal, 2430 net - win

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