Wednesday, February 05, 2014

531 1d Chins/Press - Feb 5

Doubling down on the deload today, matching up antagonistic movements. If this works, I might just do this every cycle during week 4.
Buy in
Tabata planking
5 mins.

Main set
6 rounds, on the HT timer in .30 on 1.13
Press @ 95/105/115//105/95 x10/10/7/6/8/10
Chins w/ 10# (x4's)
14 mins.

9 hours - 2130/0630. 20 minutes total, PE: 7. 24 hours.
P282g/C127/F130 : 40/18/42%, 2830 total cal, 2651 net

Here's how to change your nutritional win day to a fail day. Take your morning and do IF, get in a good quick HT workout at lunchtime, eat a couple Carl's Jr 6-dollar burgers lo-carb style with an extra (third) patty, drink some post-workout whey protein, have chicken and green beans for dinner. Winning. You're way ahead on protein for the day, carbs are under 50g, you're spot on with your calorie intake.

Then you sit down to snigger at the 80's hair in Buckaroo Banzai and your daughter puts a half-eaten cappucino gelato container in your hand. You spoon it into your facehole. 
With this one deft move, you've mis-stepped in the following ways:
- You're now over instead of under for total calories on the day. 

- You could have been under your 100g carbs benchmark for the day by half, but now you're over by 27g on your carb grams for the day.

- Instead of starting IF at 6pm and having an 18 hour intermittent fast into tomorrow, you've just eaten at 9:30 at night ... costing you an extra two and a half prime hours in the blood plasma zone.

- Best of all, you've just eaten 78 grams of refined sugar three hours after a meal; right before going to bed. Why don't you go blow some coke while you're at it? Dumbass. 

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