Friday, September 16, 2011

Wl - Floor, Bar, Me - Sept 16

Buy in:
165#x10, 235 x6, 255 x4, x5, x4. It's a grip issue. Those 4's had at least the fifth rep left in the tank, but I was gonna drop the bar. On a side note, Shafter Anytime only has 35's and 25's, and I was pulling 255 thinking it was 235. Sure was light when it was 235 in my mind.
15 mins.

Circuit: 4 rounds
Extensions (top range of motion) @ 220 x11/Simplicity calves @ 16 x16/ RDL @ 165 x7,9,11,9
14 mins.

8.5 hours, 2200-0630 /24 hours. 29 mins total, PE: 8. 214/13.
33/19/48% - 89C-219P. 2243 cals.
I'm up a few pounds and feeling bulky. Not blocky, just like it's all meat and I can move the world.

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