Sunday, February 27, 2011

WoD - Woody - Feb 27

AM: Woody WoD - 5 mi
25 mins there, 23 mins doing work, 25 mins back
3 mins obligatory run with Maylow

9 min/mi with a lot of braindead walking. What a crisp, clean, snow-bowl day. Pushed a couple of .1 intervals on the way home, only to negative split 30 seconds. Split the heavy work with a lot of RI - 11/10 - 8/7 - 5/4 ... pretty much

It all feels terrible, but the snowball is beginning to roll, I can just feel it. Wait, now that I see that I'd done this 7 weeks ago, and three minutes faster then. Here I grind my teeth together in a determined grimace.

PM: easy bike to Beach, 5-6-7 sets (?) dead hang chins @ 6-5-4s.

6.5 hours/24 hours. 76 minutes total, PE: 7. 214/14 - post run and breakfast.

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