Friday, April 02, 2010

Cl - If - Apr 2

Okay. So I pull up last night and one, the Hope is push-brooming the last of the devil-spawned pollen-pods off the driveway, and two, the hell-grafted Mulberry has dropped the last of its said pods, and three, I say to myself, with a glee borne of years of disappointment, "Gee whiz, I've survived a Spring without a nasty nagging cough or upper respiratory infection."

I know, life's little pleasures, right?

Well, Hope is still working up her brooming skilz, and I take the opportunity to demonstrate my superiour brooming experience as I clean out the garage and 5 feet of garage-door section of evil-pods. … It takes, like, 5 minutes.

I run upstairs, not knowing the evil intent of the allergens. I drop and begin the burpees.

Long story short? I cough from 3.30AM to 5.30AM - that is, I wheeze from 3.30 to 5.30, punctuated by racking coughing and long pulls on bottles filled with quadrisyllabic drugs that I normally wouldn't want in my body, but now consume like a bum on a baloney sandwich.

Lesson learned. Except, I am still Master of my Destiny.

On to today's workout. I'm gonna do what I can't do tomorrow, when I'm brewing beer. And, fuckin' A, I'm either gonna make myself sick and get it over with, or I'm gonna blow the creosote outta my pipes and get well in one workout. This is Sparta. Either come back with your shield or on it. I'm Master of my Destiny. If I'm getting sick, it's because I did it to myself. It's me against the pollen pods.
Humor me here.

11 front squats @ 135# (take them all the friggin' way down, yah)
max reps (17-20+) seated calves

6 rounds
15 burpees
200/300/400/400/300/200 @ 2% and 6.0/6.1/6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5 mph on the treadmill

The front squats just feel heavy, for no good reason. And I don't know how wide to place my hands anymore.
The burpees and running the treadmill felt like crap, but I won't complain. It's for my good. Pollen, die in the flames of my suffering. It's either you or me, and I've already seen your end. The ass I'm kicking feels like mine, but it's yours, damn you.

9.5 - 2 hours/21 hours. 39 minutes total, PE: 8. 222/13.
oGWICn: Day 92, 92 burpees.

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