Thursday, October 08, 2009

Happy Birthday to Hedge ... WoD

Every affiliate has a Happy Birthday WoD for (whoever - insert "We LOVE you *name* here), where they throw some hellacious chipper at the poor guy. Here's one designed as an actual workout; instead of a hodgepodge of all the exercises the birthdayboy hates. A short/medium metcon, doubling up on pull/hip drive components. The birthday thing is secondary; mostly it kinda scales for age, and just for fun. Power to the (old) People!

Kipping Pull Ups (bodyweight, heh)
Overhead Squats (50% bodyweight)
KB swings (25% bodyweight)

Max reps at each exercise, count up your reps from station to station. Your total reps must equal or surpass 100 minus your age (ie. Hedge is 45 and must bang out 55 reps).
If you fail to meet the rep count, you foul and must penalty-spell "Happy Birthday to Hedge" in burpees ... <20>. Insert your name or your birthday-chile's ... Hope your name's short and your age is long.

3 rounds, rest 2 minutes between rounds, or after your burpees.

Don't scale the weight or the reps, just pay the friggin' price.

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