Thursday, January 05, 2012

531 - Bench - Jan 3

531 Day one. And done.

Buy in
4x 15 hyperflexions
6 mins.

Pulls - didn't want to start with these, but the bench rack was taken. And taken.
5 rounds of the couplet in .30 on 1.15
Pulls on the gravitron w/ 75# assist / Cable rows @ 185# x10-8
12 mins.

531 Bench -
Called for 5x 175#/x205/x235
Actual: 10x 185#/8x 205/6x 235
6 mins.

Cash out
3 rounds of the couplet in .30 on 1.15
11x bar dips with 75# assist /10x curl @ 80#
8 min.

Replacing the GD curl bar on the gun rack, it slipped off the pins to the left. That side of the bar fell off, and I swept back the left foot. The left weights pounded the floor, but the right side of the bar fulcrummed down like the heavy end of a sledgehammer onto my planted and awaiting punishment right foot.
At first, I just laughed that I'd moved the wrong foot out of the way. There was no pain at all, just dents in my shoe from the impact. Then shock set in. With the foot numb, I figured I might as well finish the cash out, then went into the bathroom to change and surveyed the damage. The foot was no longer numb. Untied the shoe and the rush of blood into the foot was a wake up. The big toe had been shattered and popped open like a tomato. The second toe got fractured in two.
Ended up with 5 stitches to close the big toe, a few more in the nerve center of the nail bed to cinch up the damage after the doctor jimmied off the nail.
Won't be doing anything that involves pushing with the toe for 4 to 6 weeks. ... the shortest 531 cycle in history.
I'd post pictures but honestly, I don't really want to relive those images in my mind, let alone be responsible for passing them along to anyone else.

8.5 hours, 2030-0700/24 hours. 33 mins total, PE: 7. 220/14.
56/15/29%, 74C-139P. 1995 cal.

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