Thursday, July 29, 2010

S - Dice Run - July 29

Used the ol' yellow 11 burpees / 22 pikes / 33 push ups / 44 toe taps / 55 sqts / 66 jumping jacks dice for 12 sets stopping on the .2 mi marks, with out-back stops for the pull ups on the horse bar (11 each). Four stops to do the box jumps at Beach park and Yokuts, doubling down the exercises at Yokuts each stop. Turnaround was at the 14-mi-to-Enos sign.

First roll was 55 Squats, which might've been an early end, except that I never saw them again. Lots of box jumps this trip though, nice. Only one burpees n' squats, and 2 of all others; 2 pikes, 2 push ups, 2 toe taps and 2 jumping jacks.

A quick spin around the block to run Maylow after.

6 hours/60 hours. 63 minutes total, PE: 8. 217/13.

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