Wednesday, May 27, 2015

That Does It: Spring Assessment

Couple of things happened this week. One, I was dressing for CC's graduation, and my clothes weren't fitting. I feel big and strong and solid. But. But I was thinking, "How am I supposed to tuck my shirt in? My pants feel like lycra already." During the event, this pic happened.

Second, I got out the measuring tape for composition assessment. Sure enough, the camera didn't lie. I've gained 7 lbs since the last quarter assessment (and since dropping the BodyX membership).

No changes; on the plus side, my calves haven't lost size even though I'm not really sprinting or doing direct calf work, and the regular squatting has added size to my hips and thighs.
Downsides: my neck is fatter, my waist is an inch bigger.

Okay, so it was time for a fresh into-the-summer cycle anyway. HT here we come. Vanity, I know. Also a challenge. I've not done any composition/cutting for at least 5 years now.

Let's start with a couple of purposes.

I hope to lose 15 lbs. down to 215 - if that's all fat, and all from around my middle at 5 lbs an inch, then I should hope to see a 37" measurement at the waist.

I'm going to focus on greasing the groove on squat and deadlift - half the time to a 5RM, half for reps. I might not get any stronger in these lifts, since I'll be in a cutting nutritional phase, but I will run a lot of electrons over the neural pathways.  This should set me up to add weight later in the year. Squat three times a week (front/oly/front), DL twice a week. One other day to Power clean/Overhead squat. 4 on, 1 off.

I'll be doing antagonist couplets after/with the Squat/DL work. Pendlay rows/Ring Pushups, Pull up/Overhead Press, Ring row/Ring dips. When there's no couplet, there's a Death by pull up, Death by press, Death by power clean or GtO. 3 on, 1 off.

Adding back in conditioning. Bike trail sprints, Brighthouse hill repeats, Train grade repeats, MA tabata bag work, and KB chippers. These I'll do in the AM while I have an extra half hour because I'm not driving kids to work. 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off (which is to say, Monday and Friday mornings off from this second-early session).

I'll be using Lose it to track calories (and won't be worrying about Macros); ceiling set at 2213 cal/day before exercise allowance. I'll be doing IF through the morning more often than not - eating in the noon to 6 window.

That does it. Rotational work with medium volume, higher frequency and alternating load. Lots of water and sleep, and a lot less food. See you in 15 lbs. - or 12 weeks, whichever comes first.

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